
Artist / Author / Cartographer:
North Vietnam and South China coast - Carte faite sur les Lieux par Daniel Tavernier en plusieurs voiages qu'il a fait du Tonquin.
A rather distorted map of North Vietnam area and the Gulf of Tonkin. Sansoo (Thanh Hoa) is named, but there are few other reference points to go on. The island of Hainan looks like an elephant's head from the front. The island of Sancian is depicted along with an exageration of numerous other islands along the coast towards Macau.
The Frenchman Daniel Tavernier made eleven or twelve voyages to Tonquin in the 1640s from Indonesia. Daniel died in 1648. His brother Jean-Baptiste Tavernier published this map in 1679 in a book of his voyages. He undertook six voyages through Turkey into Persia and the East Indies between 1638 and 1668. He made a large collection of diamonds and other jewels. Louis XIV granted him a patent of nobility for helping establish French trade in Asia. The account of his voyages was first published in 1679 along with the map of Tonquin. The map was engraved by the French artist Jacques-Louis Durant.
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