
Chart of the Northern Part of the Bay of Bengal

Dalrymple, Alexander / 1772

India - The East Indies with the Roads

Jefferys, Thomas / 1768

India / Ceylon -- Malabar & Coromandel and Ceylon....

Homann Heirs / c. 1733

Hoegly - Bengal

Valentyn, Francois / 1726

South East Asia - Les Indes Orientales

Fer, Nicolas de / 1721

Ceylon - Isle de Ceylan

Mallet, Allain Manesson / 1683

Partie de L'Inde; Presqu'ile de L'Inde

Sanson, Nicolas / 1652

India - Magni Mogolis Imperium

Johannes Blaeu [1596 -1673] Cornelis Blaeu [1610 - 1644] / c1640

India Orientalis - South East Asia